Cookie Policy

This document serves as a guide for Users regarding the technology used by to achieve its intended purposes. These technologies allow the Owner to collect and store information (such as Cookies) or use resources (such as scripts) on a User’s device as they interact with the Website. In this document, these technologies are referred to as “Trackers,” unless specified otherwise. For example, while both web and mobile browsers can use Cookies, referring to Cookies in the context of mobile apps would be inaccurate as they are not browser-based. Therefore, the term “Cookies” will only be used when specifically discussing this type of Tracker. Some purposes for which Trackers are used may require the User’s consent. Whenever consent is given, it can be withdrawn at any time by following the instructions provided in this document.

This Website only uses Trackers that are directly managed by the Owner (known as “first-party” Trackers). The validity and expiration periods of these first-party Cookies and other similar Trackers may vary depending on the settings selected by the Owner. Some may expire at the end of a browsing session.

Necessary Activities for Website Operation and Service Delivery

To ensure the proper functioning of this Website and the delivery of its services, it uses technical Cookies and similar Trackers.

Managing Preferences and Providing/Withdrawing Consent

Users have various options for managing their Tracker preferences and giving or withdrawing consent:

  • They can directly manage preferences related to Trackers within their own device settings by preventing the use or storage of Trackers.
  • When Trackers are used based on consent, Users can give or withdraw such consent by adjusting their preferences in the cookie notice or through the relevant consent-preferences privacy widget.
  • If available, Users can also delete previously stored Trackers, including those used to remember their initial consent preferences, through their browser or device features.
  • Users can find information on how to manage Cookies in commonly used browsers at the following addresses: Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxApple SafariMicrosoft Internet ExplorerMicrosoft EdgeBrave, and Opera.

Mobile app users can manage certain categories of Trackers by changing their device settings, such as the device advertising and tracking settings.

Consequences of Denying the Use of Trackers

Users are free to choose whether or not to allow the use of Trackers. However, please note that Trackers enhance the Website’s functionality and provide a better user experience (in line with the purposes outlined in this document). Therefore, if a User chooses to block the use of Trackers, the Owner may be unable to provide certain features.

Owner and Data Controller

Due to the complexity of tracking technologies, Users are encouraged to contact the Owner for further information on their use on this Website.

Definitions and Legal References

  • Personal Data (or Data): Any information that directly or indirectly provides identification or identifiability of a natural person, such as a personal identification number.
  • Usage Data: Information collected automatically by this Website (or third-party services) including IP addresses, URI addresses, time of request, request method, server response status, country of origin, browser and operating system details, and other parameters.
  • User: An individual using this Website.
  • Data Subject: The natural person to whom the Personal Data refers.
  • Data Processor (or Processor): A person or entity processing Personal Data on behalf of the Controller.
  • Data Controller (or Owner): A person or entity responsible for determining the purposes and methods of Personal Data processing, including security measures related to the operation of the Website.
  • Service: The services provided by this Website.
  • European Union (or EU): Refers to current member states of the EU and the European Economic Area.
  • Cookie: A small data set stored on the User’s browser.
  • Tracker: Any technology (such as Cookies, unique identifiers, web beacons, scripts) that enables the tracking of Users.

Legal Information

This privacy policy only applies to this Website.