Terms and Conditions of ksa-inasami.com

These Terms govern

  • the use of this Website, and,
  • any other related Agreement or legal relationship with the Owner

in a legally binding way. Capitalized words are defined in the relevant dedicated section of this document.

The User must read this document carefully.

This Website is provided by:



Terms of Use

Unless otherwise specified, the terms of use detailed in this section apply generally when using this Website. Single or additional conditions of use or access may apply in specific scenarios and in such cases are additionally indicated within this document. By using this Website, Users confirm to meet the following requirements:

  • Content on this Website: Unless where otherwise specified or clearly recognizable, all content available on this Website is owned or provided by the Owner or its licensors.
  • Access to external resources: Through this Website Users may have access to external resources provided by third parties.
  • Acceptable use: This Website and the Service may only be used within the scope of what they are provided for, under these Terms and applicable law.
Common Provisions

No Waiver: The Owner’s failure to assert any right or provision under these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of any such right or provision. No waiver shall be considered a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term.

Service interruption: To ensure the best possible service level, the Owner reserves the right to interrupt the Service for maintenance, system updates or any other changes, informing the Users appropriately.

Service Reselling

Users may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of this Website and of its Service without the Owner’s express prior written permission, granted either directly or through a legitimate reselling programme.

Intellectual Property Rights

Without prejudice to any more specific provision of these Terms, any intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights and design rights related to this Website are the exclusive property of the Owner or its licensors and are subject to the protection granted by applicable laws or international treaties relating to intellectual property.

Changes to these Terms

The Owner reserves the right to amend or otherwise modify these Terms at any time. In such cases, the Owner will appropriately inform the User of these changes.

Assignment of contract

The Owner reserves the right to transfer, assign, dispose of by novation, or subcontract any or all rights or obligations under these Terms, taking the User’s legitimate interests into account. Provisions regarding changes of these Terms will apply accordingly. Users may not assign or transfer their rights or obligations under these Terms in any way, without the written permission of the Owner.


All communications relating to the use of this Website must be sent using the contact information stated in this document.


Should any provision of these Terms be deemed or become invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect.

Definitions and legal references This Website (or this Application)

The property that enables the provision of the Service. Agreement Any legally binding or contractual relationship between the Owner and the User, governed by these Terms. Owner (or We) Indicates the natural person(s) or legal entity that provides this Website and/or the Service to Users. Service The service provided by this Website as described in these Terms and on this Website. Terms All provisions applicable to the use of this Website and/or the Service as described in this document, including any other related documents or agreements, and as updated from time to time. User (or You) Indicates any natural person or legal entity using this Website.”